The standard US FDA nutrition label is well-known here in the states because it is both consistent (for better or worse) and ubiquitous: you’ll find it on almost all packaged foods, excluding certain foods like fresh meat (until 2012) and fresh baked goods (creating an opening in the market for […]
I’m going to try and make this quick, because I’m writing on borrowed time. We’ve been reading a lot of long, dry media theory lately, so today Sasha rewarded our Intro to Civic Media class with a field trip to visit the Occupy Boston (#OccupyBoston) tent encampment (the trip was […]
Class started with Dan Schultz’s return from Germany, with Mozart balls in tow. While at Mozilla’s Drumbeat hackfest, he helped start the MetaMeta project (GitHub, Google Group) and witnessed the birth of
In their introduction to Global Communications: Toward a Transcultural Political Economy, Paula Cahkravartty and Yuezhi Zhao do a fine job of highlighting the awkward friction inherent in globalism and neoliberal economic policies, and its significant impact on political economies around the world. Far from the “seamless,” hyper-connected globe painted by […]
This post was written in response to three readings: Radical Media, by John Downing, This is the Voice of Algieria, by Frantz Fanon, and Influencing Public Policy in the Digital Age (PDF), by the Alliance for Justice. “The technical instruments, when they contain a sufficient charge to threaten a society, […]