People in the web startup scene celebrate failure with as much gusto as some of us celebrate $2 waffle iron sales. The concepts of failing fast and failing often are already core elements of the lean startup philosophy (to the point of inspiring a contrarian stance). As I wrote last […]
Updated with and the MIT Libraries Guide to Data I’ve truly drunk from the MIT firehose this week. They say it’s not possible, but I think I actually managed to consume an unhealthy amount of information this week. Fortunately I had a strong Clover food truck coffee Friday morning, […]
A bill that was introduced into the House last month, called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), aims to penalize or eliminate websites that have pirated content, and the repercussions for Internet users could be far-reaching. It’s currently being heard by the House Judiciary Committee. Good ideas aren’t enough. They […]
I liveblogged a session on liveblogging, and the universe didn’t implode! Giant disclaimer that the audio in the room wasn’t great, so some of these thoughts and many of the words are my own, trying to capture Bilal’s talk. I wouldn’t quote him on any of this. Thanks to Bilal […]
The product: You take a basic quiz to see where you fall on the spectrum of ideologies. Then, once a week, you get an email featuring a carefully selected reading or video that may challenge your political beliefs, but is otherwise intelligent and thought-provoking. Would you sign up for such […]