Over the past few terms, I’ve been sharing here the syllabi of the new courses I am developing at the University of Southern California, courses which build upon my own research interests and are intended to open up space for students to pursue their own projects. In the fall, I […]
Science fiction media offers us a chance to envision the future of news. What images have surfaced there most frequently? Journalists of the future apparently have the same problems as journalists in the past. In a TV Sci-Fi series called Dark Angel, created by Jim Cameron in 2000, a journalist, […]
What do you see as some of the recurring themes in the popular representation of journalism? How much do these myths change over time and how much do they remain constant? The surprising thing is that the image of the journalist hasn’t changed much throughout the centuries. In Antigone, Sophocles […]
If USC’s Nonny de La Pena is exploring new tools and platforms that will shape the future of journalism, another of my new Annenberg colleagues, Joe Saltzman, is using new media tools to make it easier for us to research journalism’s history. Specifically, Saltzman has launched a data base which […]
You are especially interested in issues of bodily presence and affective immediacy that arise in response to immersive environments, qualities which make our experiences in such worlds expecially intense and memorable. Yet there’s a long tradition of science fiction writing which worries about the use of such devices for propaganda […]