My Journalism colleagues at USC’s Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism are on the cutting edge of national and international conversations about the Future of Journalism. Our school is a site of experimentation and deliberation, sketching and testing new models, which see the emerging media environment not simply as a […]
As part of my lecture at the Fiske Matters conference, I shared many images of contemporary activist groups which drew upon images and icons from popular culture as “resources” which help them to capture the imagination and motivate the engagement of broader publics. As Fiske wrote, “These popular forces transform […]
Last week, I was honored to be one of the keynote speakers at the Fiske Matters conference which was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. John Fiske has been and continues to be one of the most important intellectual influences on my work. His strong defense of popular culture as […]
Here is the interview I did with Bruno Porto of O Globo, a publication targeting youth, during my time in Rio. The newspaper devoted three full pages to this interview which was prominent on its cover and I heard lots of great responses to it as I traveled around the […]
My team at USC is partnering with the fine folks at Transformative Works and Culture to put together a special issue dealing with our current research focus — how we can forge a bridge between participatory culture and civic engagement. Here are the particulars. I am hoping some of you […]