I sent word via Twitter and Facebook a few days ago that we are now searching for a Post Doc who can work with out Media, Activism, and Participatory Politics research group. This is a project that is being funded by the MacArthur Foundation as part of a larger network […]
A few weeks ago, Malcolm Gladwell, he of the Tipping Point, set off a fire storm in the blogosphere and twitterverse in response to a pointed critique of the political value of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. Gladwell’s comments drew a sharp comparison between the kinds of activism which […]
You argue that queer identities are “achieved, not discovered.” What do you see as the process by which youth outside the metropolitan areas “achieve” a sexual orientation? I think that what makes queer youth identities organized outside metropolitan areas so different is that they must be negotiated in communities where […]
You pose some critiques of the way national gay rights organizations are structured based on an assumption of large urban bases of supporters. How has this limited their ability to serve the needs of the kind of communities you discuss in your book? The limits of current national organizing models […]
Mary L. Gray’s Out in The Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America is an extraordinary book — accessible, engaging and engaged, combining vivid storytelling and sophisticated theory-building. Gray captures the powerful stories of young people of varied sexuality as they construct and defend their identities in parts […]