“If I have to leave my apartment and go to a shelter, will my kids be able to go to the same school?” “If I am undocumented, can I report my wife for verbal and physical abuse? She told me if I call the police they will arrest me because […]
aditi mehta
In my last post, I decided that for my final Civic Media project, I would write a case study about the 21 Days Question Campaign on Domestic Violence recently launched by the City of Cambridge. The purpose of this case-study is two-fold: 1) to demonstrate how a question campaign can […]
I have decided to change my final project topic once more. While I am excited by both the history of civic media in Boston’s Chinatown and James Rojas’ participatory planning workshops, I am now going to focus my final project around the 21 Days Question Campaign Against Domestic Violence in […]
Last class, my group designed two “theory of social change” diagrams. One diagram demonstrated the process an individual goes through when trying to improve or modify his or her environment. It assumed that the sociopolitical surroundings of that individual allowed for a simple and accessible democratic process and […]
We began class on October 3rd by reviewing ideas for our final projects. Throughout the week, students blogged about their proposals. Project topics range from Hip Hop Culture in Civic Media to Supermarket Pastoralism to the Ethics of Activist DDOS Actions. Sasha encouraged us to really push ourselves to think […]