Youth and privacy in the Americas: Hiperderecho, Perú How do youth allies promote young people’s critical thinking on privacy, in informal learning contexts in the Americas? This blog post is part of a series showcasing the work of different organizations at the intersection of youth development, digital rights, and online […]
Youth and privacy in the Americas: Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Canada ————————- How do youth allies promote young people’s critical thinking on privacy, in informal learning contexts in the Americas? This blog post is part of a series showcasing the work of different organizations at the intersection of youth […]
This post was collaboratively written by Liz Barry, Greg Bloom, Willow Brugh, and Tamara Shapiro. It was translated by Mariel García (thank you). Español debajo. Every year, communities are affected by “extreme environmental events.” These might include hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, or floods. There are, of course, official response agencies with mandates […]
Our partners at the Stanford’s Digital Impact initiativerecently invited us to host a virtual roundtable discussion focused on building data capacity. In case you missed it, the recording and transcript are now online! We gave a quick background on the Data Culture Project. Then we tried a quick online data […]
Last April, I blogged about a talk on trigger warnings I gave as a representative of the Board of the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), a nonprofit whose mission is to promote freedom of thought, inquiry and expression and oppose censorship in all its forms. Earlier today, at the request […]