Rick Borovoy just released the Junkyard Jumbotron project, which allows laptops or phones in close proximity to be ganged together to form a large display. The Junkyard Jumbotron requires no special software; it is simply a web page that receives real-time updates from our server, allowing scrolling, zooming, and soon […]
C4 has done a variety of breakthrough civic systems with phones, from Leo Burd’s What’s Up platform to the Call4Action class and its cool student projects. We love these projects, but working with phones has always been a bear. A lot of custom programming is necessary, and in many cases […]
The information activist community has been rushing to respond to the Haitian earthquake. What I find remarkable is the capacity that has been built up in the last few years; from software standards, like the pfif standard generated after Katrina, to early systems like the Ushahidi engine designed during the […]
I had not planned on attending O’Reilly’s Gov2.0 conference, which is an exposition and dialog about new forms of government and information technology. But at last week’s Foo Camp (another O’Reilly event) I met a number of people in the field, and I became pretty excited with what I heard. […]
I had not planned on attending O’Reilly’s Gov2.0 conference, which is an exposition and dialog about new forms of government and information technology. But at last week’s Foo Camp (another O’Reilly event) I met a number of people in the field, and I became pretty excited with what I heard. […]