- Lost in Boston: Realtime
- Our latest “Lost in Boston: Realtime” bus arrival sign, in Union Sq., Somerville! http://cot.ag/mM9b7E
- @debcha: Real-time bus info (thanks, @c4fcm) in the @hubcomics window is doubly #nerdtown. /via @chrysaora http://tumblr.com/xhr2nd4m47
- @Chrysaora: Whoa!! I use that stop! RT @c4fcm: Our latest “Lost in Boston: Realtime” bus arrival sign, in Union Sq., Somerville! http://cot.ag/mM9b7E
- Video
- @EthanZ: Video from the “Civic Disobedience” session at MIT with @ifikra, @cshirky, @techsoc and myself http://deck.ly/~e2fiT
- @PBSMediaShift: MIT Sessions Address Prison Blogging, Networked Revolt in Arab World http://to.pbs.org/mFwQza (by @akwhitacre)
- Between the Bars prison blogging
- @ReganStP: Prison Arts Coalition: Between the Bars: A Space for Stories, Dialogue, and Opportunity: http://wp.me/plMk1-fy @prisonblog
Protests in Syria and Spain
- @Rosental: It’s 2AM in Madrid. From this live video http://bit.ly/jfB18d, it seems that no one will sleep #SpanishRevolution #acampadosol
- On the road to Damascus, are the scales now falling? “Thousands of Syrians defying ferocious crackdown”: http://cot.ag/jfEyvL
The Future of Non-Profit News
- “Going beyond grants: Eight new ways news nonprofits are raising revenue” http://cot.ag/isICa4 via @knightfdn
- @mediatwit: 3 Non-Profits Train Foreign Journalists to Boost Global Coverage http://to.pbs.org/mUyfOz (by @RWolfa / @PBSMediaShift)
Collaborative Activism
- @Ushahidi:On the Ushahidi blog Radical Collaboration http://bit.ly/kn5Byh
- @SamGregory: RT @globalvoices: #Nepal: Social Media As A Civic Activism Tool http://bit.ly/mPicT0
Natural Gas/Oil
- Gas Drilling Companies Hold Data Needed by Researchers to Assess Risk to Water Quality http://cot.ag/mgiU5i
- @OpenCongress: Senate moves to eliminating oil subsidies, which CRS says would not affect gas prices, may boost domestic production: http://bit.ly/imEo9S
- @urbanophile: Nate Silver: On the Economics of Mass Transit and the Value of Common Sense – http://bit.ly/iCba9A
- NYC’s anti-poverty pilots dwarfed by 10 rounds of cuts to traditional anti-poverty programs http://cot.ag/itlA97
- Human news aggregators — like Matt Druge — drive more news traffic than Facebook or Twitter or Google News http://cot.ag/j5ph0i
- Great tribute piece from @BillGates on ‘Why MIT Matters’ http://bo.st/kVy65G (from this Sunday’s @BostonGlobe special magazine)