Creating Technology for Social Change

New Media and the Presidential Inauguration

Wondering what innovative media projects are following President-elect Obama’s inauguration? We have a few suggestions.

One of the most exciting is Inauguration Report, a collaboration between NPR, CBS News, American University, and volunteer programmers. Users can participate via Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, an iPhone app by including the phrase #inaug09 0r #dctrips09 (pound signs are not required for flicker and youtube content). The site is also mapping the location of reports nationwide. As of late Thursday, a couple of days before the start of the festivities, the feed was already jumping. Some posts offered congratulatory remarks to President-elect Obama and others looked for last-minute rides but the majority explained how to participate.

Other media outlets also gearing up for the events:

The New York Times is calling for inauguration photos. CNN and Facebook are partnering to allow viewers to watch the festivities live streaming, update Facebook status, and follow friends’ updates.

Current and Twitter have teamed up to offer use to follow and post their own Twitter messages real-time and in conjunction with the live broadcast of Obama’s Inauguration.

Fellow C4FCM reasearcher Nadav Aharony notes that Hulu has a countdown to the swearing-in, an option to embed the feed into your website, and many other Obama/election related clips.

Of course, you can always post or link your photo or video links to the C4FCM site here.

If you’re going to Washington DC, before you post your blogs or photos you need to check out Citizen Media Law Project’s guide to covering the event. The guide offers valuable information about heightened security, credentialing requirements, permits, and who to call if you have any legal trouble while at the events. The guide is also available as a handy one-page printable summary you can carry with you.

Both the Presidential Inaugural Committee and The Washington Post have set up guides that include mobile texting services about event, scheduling changes, and transportation alerts for attendees.

If you know of any of other ways to prepare for or participate in Obama’s Inauguration, pass them along.