Upcoming Events
- Tuesday night: Andrew Whitacre representing C4FCM at Media Reform/Community Tech Day panel at Charles Hotel http://groupspaces.com/BostonMediaReform/item/124902
- Next Monday: Ricardo Dominguez: “Transborder Disturbances: Aesthetics, Interventions and Technology” http://civic.mit.edu/event/ricardo-dominguez-transborder-disturbances-ae…
- Next Tuesday: Civic Media Session: “Understanding Check-Ins: From Emergent Location-Sharing Practices to Location Mash-Ups” http://civic.mit.edu/event/civic-media-session-understanding-check-ins
- April 6-7: Beyond Books: News, Literacy, Democracy and America’s Libraries http://civic.mit.edu/event/beyond-books-news-literacy-democracy-and-amer…
- April 8-10: National Conference for Media Reform, where we’ll have a booth http://cot.ag/ffmzlB
From the Center/MIT
- Examiner.com Providence; “Know how green your consumer choices are with @Sourcemap” http://cot.ag/h4OkKC
- Spread the word as @csik racks up @c4fcm’s civic media success stories http://cot.ag/fJq0k8
- Successful @c4fcm projects at MIT include GrassrootsMapping, Junkyard Jumbotron, VoIP Drupal, Sourcemap: http://to.pbs.org/dMuEId
- Konbit: Using Mobile Tech (and Your Voice) for Local Jobs in Haiti http://cot.ag/g8nyxQ via @mobileactive
- @MIT_ISTnews: MIT Media Lab’s brilliant new logo has 40,000 permutations: http://bit.ly/elrWh9 (via Fastcodesign)
A Word from Our Sponsor
- @KnightFdn Temporary #digital outposts help @FreeLibrary of #Philadelphia reach new range of patrons http://kng.ht/fWBFPG
Japan Earthquake
- Heatmap of Japan earthquake reports on Ushahidi http://cot.ag/gWazQo
- Unintended contexts: #Wikileaks cables shed light on shortcomings of Japanese power company http://cot.ag/eZSiWa
Future of News
- Congrats to our bud and new Ashoka Fellow, Jake Shapiro of Public Radio Exchange http://blog.prx.org/2011/03/3718/
- @jayrosen_nyu: Goodbye, Detroit News. You’re not a journalistic vehicle any longer http://jr.ly/8cnn
- Copyright lawsuits backfire, creating case law favoring broader interpretation of fair use http://cot.ag/ep95k1
- @AbrahmL: FRAC Act re- re- re-introduced into Congress to allow regulation of #fracturing and require chem disclosure #extrAct
- Utah to receive “Black Hole” award for worst open records law http://cot.ag/fALSR5
- @ReganStP: Michigan law would allow Gov to authorize a corporation to dissolve muni gov’t and run the communities http://bit.ly/fNuk0E