Witness uses DIY video and online technologies to open the eyes of the world to human rights violations. For this lecture, we welcome Witness Program Director Sam Gregory, a video producer, trainer, and human rights advocate. As Henry Jenkins wrote of him, “Gregory’s comments about the strengths and limitations of […]
As old media die, new forms are emerging, but it’s not clear they will serve such vital civic functions as “helping people form publics,” as Pat Aufderheide puts it. These panelists point to promising experiments in “Public Media 2.0,” but caution that new media are not guaranteed to shore up […]
break As old media die, new forms are emerging, but it’s not clear they will serve such vital civic functions as “helping people form publics,” as Pat Aufderheide puts it. These panelists point to promising experiments in “Public Media 2.0,” but caution that new media are not guaranteed to shore […]
MiT6 Plenary 2 | Panel Questions Panelists: Jessica Clark, Center for Social Media (American University) Ellen Hume, Center for Future Civic Media (MIT) Persephone Miel, Media Re:public and Internews Network Respondents: Dean Jansen, Participatory Culture Foundation Jake Shapiro, Public Radio Exchange (PRX) Moderator: Pat Aufderheide, American University break
MiT6 Plenary 2 | Panel Questions Panelists: Jessica Clark, Center for Social Media (American University) Ellen Hume, Center for Future Civic Media (MIT) Persephone Miel, Media Re:public and Internews Network Respondents: Dean Jansen, Participatory Culture Foundation Jake Shapiro, Public Radio Exchange (PRX) Moderator: Pat Aufderheide, American University