Via Mitch Resnick and others… Scratch Day is a worldwide network of gatherings, where people will come together to meet other Scratchers, share projects and experiences, and learn more about Scratch.
This talk was filmed as part of Chris Csikszentmihalyi’s “Call for Action!” class during MIT’s independent activities period, winter 2009. The class studied and built mobile tools for community organization. Adjunct Professor David P. Reed’s research focuses on designing systems that manage, communicate, and manipulate information shared among people. He […]
This talk was filmed as part of Chris Csikszentmihalyi’s “Call for Action!” class during MIT’s independent activities period, winter 2009. The class studied and built mobile tools for community organization. Adjunct Professor David P. Reed’s research focuses on designing systems that manage, communicate, and manipulate information shared among people. He […]
This talk was filmed as part of Chris Csikszentmihalyi’s “Call for Action!” class during MIT’s independent activities period, winter 2009. The class studied and built mobile tools for community organization. Co-Founder/Editor, Katrin Verclas is co-founder and editor of, a global network of practitioners using mobile phones in social […]
One news experiment that actually aims to make a profit while generating original news is GlobalPost, an online international news source with original reporting from in-country correspondents around the world. Founded by Phil Balboni, creator of the successful New England Cable News, the prototype regional CNN television news service, GlobalPost […]