A lot has been written, for over a decade now, about trolls on the internet, and the role that anonymity might have in emboldening people to say terrible things. ROFLcon even featured a panel, Aca-meme-ia, with the University of Oregon’s Whitney Phillips, who researchs trolling. The MemeFactory group put on […]
You’ve probably noticed that we were at ROFLcon all weekend. (Sorry for all the posts, but if I didn’t tweet about Nyan-Cat-flavored ice cream, the Flying Spaghetti Monster would take the keys to my Twitter account). If you want to dive into the individual sessions and keynotes, Nathan Matias has […]
The closing ROFLcon keynote. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to defend These Internets from those that would take away its freedoms. On the heels of the SOPA/PIPA debacle, we’ve assembled this final boss panel to scheme and plan for the next time some baddies come around the […]
Christian Sandvig introduces our panelists: Matt Harding (Where The Hell Is Matt), who became famous in that dark time before streaming video sites. Judson Laipply (The Evolution of Dance, a 2006 YouTube performance with 70 million views in the first 8 months), Liam Sullivan (Liam Show / “Shoes”, which received […]
Panelists: Dan Sinker (Mozilla / @MayorEmanuel), Biella Coleman (McGill University), Latoya Peterson (Racialicious), Molly Sauter @oddletters (mod – Comparative Media Studies). This post written with Erhardt Graef. Molly Sauter introduces the panel: How do regular memes and politics collide? There’s the political world, the IRL world, and the internet world […]