Lawrence Lessig sees the American people, enthroned as sovereign of the nation by the United States Constitution, as a sleeping giant. It’s OK to sleep; in general, we’d all rather focus on things other than politics. But there are times when our political system is so broken, we must awaken […]
Last Wednesday, immediately prior to attending an event on media diets, we presented a week’s compilation of our own media diets. The day’s scheduled events were rather meta with regards to conscious information consumption, and this turned out to be, in many ways, a theme of my diet. Not counting […]
This is a writeup of today’s Center for Civic Media lunch event. If you’re in the Cambridge area, come join us! Nicco Mele is one of the leading thinkers on the use of technology in politics. He wrote the book on disruptive small donor politics as Howard Dean’s webmaster, and […]
Today’s Civic lunch featured the digital team from the Boston Globe, led by Jeff Moriarty, VP of Digital Products. He was joined by Chris Marstall, Marck Chang, and Grace Woo. They’ve just launched a new standalone site for the Globe, spinning off from the portal and its ubiquitous popup […]
In our ongoing quest to trace the outline of the phrase “civic media,” we began the Center for Civic Media’s 2012 lunch series with Paul Wright, Editor and Cofounder of Prison Legal News, and executive director of the Human Rights Defense Center, the non-profit umbrella which publishes PLN. PLN operates […]