x-posted from oddletters.com Sometime between the power outage Thursday night that left most of Cambridge in the dark and severely messed with my ability to construct my Ignite slide deck, and getting up at 5AM to catch a taxi to the airport, I started to have serious doubts about whether […]
A FOIA, or Freedom of Information Act, request is supposed to be a way for the average citizen to reveal information and documents controlled by the federal government. Anyone can file a FOIA request for pretty much damn near everything, and in Intro to Civic Media we started that process […]
My work on my final project for Intro to Civic Media, an examination of the ethics of activist distributed denial of service attacks, continues apace. I’ve got a good pile of primary sources from groups that have historically engaged in activist DDOS actions, including the Electronic Disturbance Theater and the […]
I may be a little tired of the election news cycle. In class this week we made up NewsJacks of the CNN and Fox News front pages from Wednesday night. Despite the fact that the Northeast was still being wracked by the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, CNN felt it was […]
In Sasha’s class last week we tried to calculate our value to the online social networks we participate in. In the equation my partner and I created, we took into account three variables: Biodata, Influence, and System Value. Our equation is: (Biodata + System Value) to the power of Influence […]