From the program: Revelations about the extent of US government surveillance of digital communications have changed the debate about internet governance, online privacy, and the role of the internet as a public sphere. In a post-Snowden era, how do we protect revelations from human rights activists? Of journalistic sources? What […]
Susan Crawford on stage at the 2014 Knight-Civic Media Conference Cities and citizens around the world are using data around the world to thicken democratic engagement. Susan Crawford will expand on themes from her new book, “The Responsive City,” co-authored with Stephen Goldsmith, and the heroism it describes—together with the […]
Micah Sifry introduces Personal Democracy Forum, now in its twelfth year. The NSA-Snowden Affair broke right as the last PDF was going on. The first theme of the conference is “Save the Internet” – this could be the year that the battle really happens. Many people that are trying to […]
Terra Incognita: 1000 Cities of the World is a global news game and recommendation system designed to help you discover relevant, fun, weird, interesting or stereotype-busting information about 1000 global cities. We have just launched Terra Incognita in the Chrome Web Store so you can install it right here and […]
Iyad Rahwan is giving a special talk today at the MIT Media Lab. Here’s his bio from the event announcement: Â Iyad Rahwan, a native of Aleppo, Syria, is an associate professor at Masdar Institute, a research institute in Abu Dhabi established in cooperation with MIT. He is an Honorary […]