It’s the end of another semester at MIT, and the close of my time in CMS.360, Introduction to Civic Media. To close off the semester, I’ve posted a copy of the slides to my 5 minute Ignite talk from our last class about methods of connecting with voters in the […]
An article from The Atlantic about the bearded geeks behind Obama’s campaign recently caught the attention of many — as of today, more than 12,000 people have liked it on Facebook and over 3,000 people have tweeted about it. Part of the story’s intrigue was the campaign’s ability to collect […]
How many emails, texts, or phone calls from an organization can you stand until you start automatically labeling the entire operation as spam? For my final project, I will focus on mass communication from organizations with the intention of driving civic action, particularly methods and frequency of communication. With the […]
This blog post was written with Luis Capelo. Our Introduction to Civic Media class this week focused on civic maps and heard 4 civic mappers speak about their projects. Introduction The class first began with Luis Capelo talking about ICCM and Becky talking about the Center for Civic Media and […]
I’ve narrowed down the focus of my semester-long project. In my first post, I talked about looking at different commenting systems and the role they play in spreading information. I’ve decided to narrow down my focus to link spamming — links to sites that incite civic action placed in comments […]