Dan Gillmor is such a smooth writer and so media savvy that we readers hardly realize he is hurling a challenge at all of us, from average citizens to professionals, in his new book, Mediactive, which can be purchased at store and online outlets or can be downloaded at http://mediactive.com. […]
The blog headline read, “What Works”. How ironic. It was published the day a community website I was involved with bit the dust after five-plus years. break The blog, written by Jan Schaffer, a respected journalism leader and a new media pioneer, summarized a report on the status of community […]
Civic media is serious business. Do we need a little more levity? New Media can learn a lot from Old Media about taking ourselves too seriously, a trick that YouTube certainly has caught onto and turned into a franchise. Former newspaper humor columnist Susan Trausch defies her reader to resist […]
What’s wrong with this picture: Mainstream media lays off reporters (and others) left and right, because New Media appeals to a large segment of news consumers. New Media realizes local news draws more audience, so numerous hyper-local approaches are tried. Most national attempts fail, because they don’t have reporters. AOL’s […]
“The press has done an admirable (albeit belated) job with the technical complexities of MMS’s (Minerals Management Services of the Interior Department) administrative failings. What is not being asked, and what the press needs to focus on, is whether MMS’s problems are endemic to the entire federal government.” From Nieman […]