Aaron K. Chatterji and Michael W. Toffel of Harvard Business School are taking a closer look at how environmental practices change when companies are publicly rated for their performance. Here’s what I took from their paper: (You can download their working draft here: http://www.hbs.edu/research/pdf/08-025.pdf) Businesses that understand that their profit […]
GoodGuide.com has released a scientist’s take on socially responsible ratings guides. Learn about this and other socially responsible guides on our updated Research Guide. That is where you can find ways to contribute that take as little as two minutes of your time! Dara O’Rourke’s U. Berkeley based research guide […]
It’s nice to see the seeds of a movement using technology to enable individual socially responsible actions. Cool People Care and Free Rice represent different ways that the internet can help people make a difference. Cool People Care is a city by city email list and calendar that hooks users […]
Non-profit lifers coming to terms with a younger generation of online social citizens are the intended audience of this Case Foundation report. But after the first couple pages it offers a deeper discussion about mobilizing tech savvy youth. Can you help us figure out what we’re doing right and what […]
Estimating the carbon footprint of a product is more difficult than it sounds. British market Tesco is attempting to label the carbon footprint of all of its products. So far only one product has been labeled. Perhaps ThoughtAndMemory.org’s decentralized system will make accuracy in life cycle analysis easier in the […]