Recently, I have been working in partnership with the founders of Digital Democracy to plan an upcoming media literacy project with recently arrived Burmese refugee youth and their American classmates in two high schools in Indiana. The folks at Digital Democracy are also taking part in a talk next week […]
Wired posted this article about the many expanding uses of Twitter…including many examples of inanimate objects (lights, washing machines, computers) and living organisms (plants) triggering an auto-twitter to a recipient: Thanks to its open-ended design and a thriving user community, Twitter is fast outgrowing its roots as a simple, easy-to-use […]
NetSquared has posted an announcement by Sunlight Labs about a contest to create applications that make Congress more accountable, interactive and transparent. Top prize is $15,000. It seems like an cool civic engagement contest for techies…the company says it’s all a part of their effort to encourage open source civic […]
I found this presentation by Matthew Hodgson a great overview of the ways “government 2.0” tactics are succeeding at home and abroad. Check out some of his screenshot examples online: FutureMelbourne (a wiki for citizens to design a better Melbourne), Powerhouse Museum (a Sydney museum that allows users improve its […]
The U.S. Campaign for Burma has blown up over the past three years. They went from a few hundred members in 2005 to over 60,000 in 2008 — but without much of an increase in staff or funds. I wanted to examine how the use of digital media has helped […]