Liveblog by: Ali Hashmi @alihashmi01, Whitney, Ed, Willow on vizthink Participant Names: Seamus Kraft, OpenGov Foundation Mark Surman, Mozilla Foundation Elise Hu, NPR, moderator Relevant Links: In search for answers The purpose of this session is to discuss the “open-web principles” in today’s world. The prospects […]
Daily Archives: June 23, 2014
Lytro markets the images from its light field cameras as “living pictures.” This makes me think of the magical portraits from Harry Potter, their subjects managing door security and popping from frame to frame. (Not the photographs. Harry Potter photographs are pretty much anigifs.) “Living picture” is certainly evocative marketspeak, […]
Liveblog by Dalia and Adrienne Tran Ha- Knight Foundation Fellow Tran asks the audience to yell out what they associate with millennials. “Young” “Selfie” “Falcon”(?). Tran adds Justin Beiber, entitlement and says eventually the phrase, “I just don’t get why ____…” comes up. She asks, what does the future of […]
From the program: Revelations about the extent of US government surveillance of digital communications have changed the debate about internet governance, online privacy, and the role of the internet as a public sphere. In a post-Snowden era, how do we protect revelations from human rights activists? Of journalistic sources? What […]
Live blogged by Rahul Bhargava and Matt Stempeck Monday, June 23, 2014 – 3:45pm The Internet lowers coordination costs, making it easier for groups of people to cooperate and work together. Despite this, it’s often been hard to apply the lessons of online cooperation to the world of civics. A […]