Before Fox News: Right-Wing Broadcasting, Cold War America, and the Conservative Movement Heather Hendershot, Queens College, CUNY In the Cold War years, there was a tremendous surge in right-wing broadcasting in America. Hendershot explains how radio and TV extremists feigned a “balanced” presentation of their ideas in the 1950s; in […]
Daily Archives: December 20, 2011
Everything for me this week is relating to the late Vaclav Havel, and this “imbeciles” story makes me think of Havel’s 1965 speech/article “On Evasive Thinking”. He opens with an episode from earlier that year when a girl was crushed by a stone window ledge that fell after the state […]
The Center for Civic Media has opened its search for a community organizer/codesign facilitator. We hope you’ll spread the word to qualified candidates on the hunt for a great opportunity… The description is below, with application procedures on the MIT employment site. Regan St. Pierre, our community outreach manager who […]
CRÓNICAS DE HÉROES -an implementation in México of Hero Reports- celebrates today, DEC. 20 2011, its first anniversary. Yesica Guera, the Director of the initiative as well as the team behind of CRÓNICAS DE HÉROES in Mexico would like to thank all of those who have supported us during the […]
Con este proyecto, intente aplicar algunas de las teorías y conceptos que vimos en nuestra clase de medios cívicos al contexto de Costa Rica. No es una investigación rigurosa que quiere sacar conclusiones específicas sobre las observaciones, sino más bien, quiere ser una mirada general para poder ejemplificar un poco […]